lundi 10 mars 2008

An open letter to the next US president

The next US President
The White House (The oval office)
Pierre d'Ailly hight school
Washington D.C (District of Colombia)
Compiégne, france
Monday, 17 March 2008

Dear MR or MRS future President,
I would like to speak about envirronnement , I thing That about laws should be to promote a 'green' energies and envirromentally friendly cars, encouraged people to use public transport or cycle or walk, as intended president of the US had to you understand that the ecology is a problem international.Because The pollution is going up the temperature of the planet and threatens animals, the solution is stop polluting or protect endangered species.
The question of Iraq also settles, is it really obligation to continue this war without real profit? It's an injust war, a war for oil? A war against dictatorship? The consequence is many people are killed, US soldiers and civilians. It's The money of this war could be to use in of better at the end. I would like stopping the war, to make peace. To give a soldier the luky of the live, possibility going home or leave Iraq.
Otherwise I wish that reports with Europe will be in the best. Good luck to you and I hope that your mandate will indeed be outstandingly to appreciate.